This year’s Supercomputing Conference (SC15) will be held in Austin, USA, from 15th till 20th November, 2015, and will bring together more than 10,000 scientists, users, and stakeholders from the field of high performance computing (HPC). At its SC15 exhibition booth no. 2606, DKRZ will present its new HPC system “Mistral”, introduce the currently started EU project “Centre of Excellence - ESiWACE" and show climate simulations. On the latest TOP500 list of the largest supercomputer system, which is traditionally released at the SC conference, Mistral is on rank 64.
Senator for Science Fegebank visits KlimaCampus Hamburg
Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science in Hamburg, Germany, visited the KlimaCampus Hamburg for a meet and greet. To get a better overview of the various scientific activities related to climate research and climate adaptation research in Hamburg, Fegebank met with the leaders of the institutes that form the KlimaCampus Hamburg at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) on 10.19.2015.
New supercomputer „Mistral“ at DKRZ ensures Germany’s leading position in climate research
Hamburg, October 5th, 2015: During the festivities at the Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (German Climate Computing Center, DKRZ), the new work horse of climate research in Germany was officially inaugurated. “Mistral”, one of the world’s most state-of-the-art and energy efficient supercomputers used for climate simulations, made its official debut.
Kick-off for ESiWACE and ESCAPE
ESiWACE and ESCAPE: integrating leading edge climate and weather simulations into Europe’s strategy for High Performance Computing (HPC).
DKRZ presents on its ISC'15 High Performance booth no. 550 its new high performance computer HLRE-3 (Hochleistungsrechnersystem für die Erdsystemforschung 3) consisting of the PetaFLOPS-System "Mistral" by Bull/Atos and a hierarchical storage management system (HSM) based on HPSS by IBM. During the ISC’15 the latest Top500 List of the most powerful high performance computer systems is released. The first configuration level of Mistral at DKRZ is on rank 56 of the list. In Germany it is the sixth-largest HPC system.
DKK publishes “Prospects for climate research"
On June 10th, 2015, the German Climate Consortium (Deutsches Klimakonsortium, DKK) published a position paper on "Prospects for climate research 2015 to 2025".
The world’s largest archive for climate simulation data is located in Hamburg
Hamburg, May, 8th, 2015: DKRZ supported by IBM manages up to 500 Petabyte of climate data
DKRZ as a research partner of the German pavilion at EXPO 2015
DKRZ is a research partner of the “ARGE Deutscher Pavillon” at the EXPO exhibition 2015 in Milan. A "research container" inside of the German pavilion shows how DKRZ enables climate research.
Computer time for the new DKRZ supercomputer "Mistral"
General user access for the new DKRZ supercomputer "Mistral" is planned to be available in July.
Preview: Girls'Day at DKRZ
On April, 23rd , 2015 - the official Girls’Day - DKRZ welcomes two groups of 10 to 16 years old, female future scientists, who wants to get to know everything about the profession as a climate researcher.
EUDAT2020 - Unified Access to European Research Data
The project partners of EUDAT 2020, a project recently funded with 19 million Euros within the EU's Horizon2020 program, held a kick-off meeting in Helsinki from March 24th to March 26th, 2015. EUDAT 2020, started on March 1st, 2015, is a follow-up project to the FP7 project EUDAT, which initially started on October 1st, 2011.
New Supercomputer at DKRZ starts operation: Mistral
Mistral: like this wind, this new high performance computer comes from France. The French computer manufacturer Bull, an Atos company, installed the first phase of of this new system, which will replace DKRZ's IBM Power6 named Blizzard this summer. Blizzard has been serving climate research since 2009.
ESGF Achievement Award
On the occasion of the „Earth System Grid Federation and Ultrascale Visualization Climate Data Analysis Tools Conference”, which took place from December 9th-12th, 2014, at the PCMDI of the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, DKRZ staff member Torsten Rathmann received an “ESGF Outstanding Achievement Award 2014” for the unfailing support he delivered to the users of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF).