Preview: DKRZ@SC'14
The Supercomputing Conference (SC’14) takes place from the 15th till 21st November 2014 in New Orleans, USA. Probably more than 10,000 scientists, users, vendors and decision makers will attend this important international conference on high performance computing. At its booth (number 603) DKRZ, as one of more than 350 exhibitors, will give a preview on its forthcoming PetaFLOPS-supercomputer, will inform about its data services and will show visualizations of climate simulations.
HLRE-3 Porting System
Bull delivers a system for the migration of climate codes to the HLRE-3 architecture
Just published: The DKRZ yearbook
The yearbook of DKRZ for the years 2012-2013 show a good profile of all the activities at DKRZ. It summerizes the results of important completed projects and takes a look at ongoing and newly started projects.
DKRZ and Bull sign contract for HLRE-3
DKRZ chooses Bull for its first Petaflops-scale supercomputer and for cooperation on HPC support for climate research in Germany, as part of an initial contract worth 26 million euro…