The department Data Management offers dedicated and comprehensive support for all stages of the research data life cycle of Earth System research data:

  • Comprehensive Earth System research data management (RDM) support, advice and training along the FAIR data guiding principles
  • RDM in the spirit of the FAIR data guiding principles (a.o.):
    • Long-term archival of Earth System research data (World Data Center for Climate, LTA WDCC)
    • Support for the editing process and quality control for publication of relevant Earth System research data 
    • Data search and interdisciplinary data access with clear data usage licenses (CERA database)
  • Support for community-effort model simulations, e.g. currently in the framework of CMIP6
  • Acquisition, provisioning and long-term stocking of relevant flagship datasets, e.g. ERA5 or CMIP3/5/6, for the german Earth System Science community
  • Support for virtual research environments and web-based data analysis
  • Support for the global dissemination and the associated preparation of relevant research datasets via the global ESGF-infrastructure
  • Support for the development of data workflows with specific focus on the upcoming generation of high-resolution (O(1-10km)) global climate models
  • Long-term archival of Earth System research data for reference purpose and compliance with common rules of good scientific practice (LTA DOKU)

Department Data Management 2023
Department Data Management 2023

For calls from outside Germany, please dial with prefix "+49 40". Example: +49 40 460094 999.

Responsibility Phone extension Room E-Mail
Hannes Thiemann Department Head 460094-113 101 dGhpZW1hbm5AZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Fanny Adloff Director WCRP ESMO IPO YWRsb2ZmQGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Ivonne Anders NFDI4Earth, FDO Forum 460094-426 002 YW5kZXJzQGRrcnouZGU=
Katharina Berger 460094-111 125 YmVyZ2VyQGRrcnouZGU=
Dogus Kaan Bilir 460094-403 121 YmlsaXJAZGtyei5kZQ==
Justus von Brandt 460094-424 121 dm9uYnJhbmR0QGRrcnouZGU=
Carsten Ehbrecht 460094-148 125 ZWhicmVjaHRAZGtyei5kZQ==
Andrej Fast 460094-335 125 YW5kcmVqLmZhc3RAZGtyei5kZQ==
Anna-Lena Flügel 460094-160 021 Zmx1ZWdlbEBka3J6LmRl
Daniel Fulla 460094-421 124 ZnVsbGFAZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Swati Gehlot 460094-194 103 Z2VobG90QGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Angelika Heil Data Standardization, Data Pool, ERA5 460094-212 019 aGVpbEBka3J6LmRl
Dr. Eileen Hertwig WDCC, LTA 460094-347 004 aGVydHdpZ0Bka3J6LmRl
Dr. Daniel Heydebreck HSM System 460094-120 004 aGV5ZGVicmVja0Bka3J6LmRl
Heinke Höck 460094-124 020 aG9lY2tAZGtyei5kZQ==
Irfan Khan 460094-129 122 a2hhbkBka3J6LmRl
Dr. Stephan Kindermann Deputy Department Head 460094-343 124 a2luZGVybWFubkBka3J6LmRl
Beate Krüss 460094-237 004 a3J1ZXNzQGRrcnouZGU=
Marco Kulüke Fair Digital Objects, ESiWACE3, Python 460094-193 001 a3VsdWVrZUBka3J6LmRl
Michael Kurtz 460094-114 102 a3VydHpAZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Andrea Lammert 460094-142 123 bGFtbWVydEBka3J6LmRl
Aenne Löhden 460094-348 020 bG9laGRlbkBka3J6LmRl
Claudia Martens Metadata management, BITS 460094-234 122 bWFydGVuc0Bka3J6LmRl
Kameswar Rao Modali Data Workflows, WarmWorld, DestinE 460094-223 125 bW9kYWxpQGRrcnouZGU=
Bimochan Niraula bimochan-niraula 460094-323 121 bmlyYXVsYUBka3J6LmRl
Sara Pasqualetto 460094-389 121 cGFzcXVhbGV0dG9AZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Karsten Peters-von Gehlen Group Leader "Workflows" 460094-138 104 cGV0ZXJzQGRrcnouZGU=
Martin Schupfner 460094-215 003 c2NodXBmbmVyQGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Martina Stockhause IPCC Data Distribution Centre 460094-433 FT 401 c3RvY2toYXVzZUBka3J6LmRl
Fabian Wachsmann Data standardization, quality assurance, curation, CMIP 460094-211 022 d2FjaHNtYW5uQGRrcnouZGU=
Chathurika Hemamali Wickramage 460094-428 022 d2lja3JhbWFnZUBka3J6LmRl
Heinrich Widmann EOSC, Data Infrastructures 460094-282 121 d2lkbWFubkBka3J6LmRl