Dr. Karsten Peters-von Gehlen

Dr. Karsten Peters-von Gehlen


Data Management


Group Leader "Workflows"




Bundesstraße 45a, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Work Area

  • Communication, mediation and integration of DKRZ research data management services for the Earth System Science Community

  • Development of DKRZ's portfolio of research data management services according to scientific-community demands

    • Data handling concepts for very high (km-scale) resolution coupled Earth System Models 

    • FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) 

    • Reproducibility/Traceability of scientific analyses in data-intensive Earth System Science

  • Design and execution of courses/workshops 

  • Development of DKRZ's portfolio of research data management services according to scientific-community demands


I am involved in several EU- and BMBF-funded projects. In these projects, my contributions are focus on data management aspects, such as compiling a Data Management Plan (DMP) or contributing to infrastructural developments enabling efficient analysis of upcoming very high-resolution Earth System Model simulations:

  • NextGEMS (general data management)

  • WarmWorld (Task Lead in module "Easier") 

  • ESiWACE3 (Work package lead "Tackling the Data Challenge")


Meteorology and climate science:

  • Diploma of Meteorology (equivalent to MSc, University of Hamburg), 2008

  • PhD in Meteorology (University of Hamburg, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology), 2011

  • Post-Doc in Meteorology (Monash University, Melbourne and Max Planck Institut for Meteorology), 2012-2018

Publications in the field of Data Management (Selection)

  • Peters-von Gehlen, K., Höck, H., Fast, A., Heydebreck, D., Lammert, A. and Thiemann, H. (2022). Recommendations for Discipline-Specific FAIRness Evaluation Derived from Applying an Ensemble of Evaluation Tools. Data Science Journal, 21: 7, pp. 1–21. doi:10.5334/dsj-2022-007

  • Anders, I., Peters-von Gehlen, K. and Thiemann, H. (2022). Canonical Workflows in Simulation-based Climate Sciences. Data Intelligence. doi:10.1162/dint_a_00127

  • Wittenburg, Peter, ..., Peters-von Gehlen, Karsten, … Wieder, Philipp. (2022). FAIR Digital Object Demonstrators 2021 (final). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5872645

  • Peer, L., Arguillas, F., Honeyman, T., Miljković, N., Peters-von Gehlen, K. and CURE-FAIR subgroup 3 (2021). Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output (Version 2.1). Zenodo doi:10.15497/RDA00063

  • Helbig, K., Anders, I., Buchholz, P., Favella, G., Hausen, D., Hendriks, S., Klar, J., Krause, E., Paul-Stüve, T., Peters, K., Rathmann, T., Rehwald, S., Rex, J., Soßna, V., Sperling, J., Strauch, A. und Voigt, P. (2020) „Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus der Beratung bei Datenmanagementplänen“, Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement. German, (2), S. 29–40. doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2020.2.8283

Profiles and complete lists of publications