Our high performance computers are used by national and international research groups for various research projects. All, however, share the general scientific object: the climate system.

Especially complex calculations, whose results are of general interest to a large number of scientists - so-called Consortia Simulations - receive substantial support from DKRZ as well as a substantial share of the computing and archive capacity. The results of these simulations are made freely available to the whole community.

Scientists, who are authorized by the Scientific Steering Committee (WLA) to get computing time and / or archiving capacity on the systems of DKRZ, have to deliver a short description of their project. After a project duration of one year,  DKRZ requests a more detailed report on progress and incidents of the work. Moreover, these projects are presented and thoroughly discussed on regular user workshops at DKRZ.

These project descriptions and results nicely characterize the research facilitated by DKRZ.


Here we present scientific projects which are carried out with the help of DKRZ's resources.

List of projects (forwarding)

Here a fowarding to the abstracts and reports of currently approved projects can be accessed.


Posters and publications concerning the current computing projects of DKRZ's users.