Not only the computer systems, but also the consultancy at DKRZ is specialized to address the needs and issues of climate science and will induvidually guide each user to s suitable solution.
We offer:
- Individual personal advice on the use of our systems
- Help with porting your applications to our systems
- Conceptual guidance on parallelization and optimization strategies for your code, specifically with respect to our HPC systems.
- Support and joint projects with regard to the visualization of your data
Contact / Requests
You can contact our user support at:
Furthermore, we offer individual user support at this phone number
+49 40 / 460094 275
or personally at DKRZ room number 218/219, preferably during the following hours:
- Monday through Thursday: 10:00-11:30 and 13:30-16:00
- Friday: 10:00-11:30 and 13:30-15:00
General information is available in our docs:
- Documentation for the use of our systems
- Management of your personal data such as password, shell and email notifications
- Project or account management, resource use etc.
- Information on training, workshops and events
- News archive: Current status and prior information about the DKRZ's systems (for users only).