Brochures and leaflets

Our brochures and leaflets offer a detailed description and informative figures that illustrate the work of DKRZ.

Jubilee publication

The jubilee publication „25 years DKRZ“ is an illustrative lecture that gives a comprehensive and concise overview of 25 years of work at DKRZ.

Yearbooks of DKRZ

The yearbooks of DKRZ show a good profile of all the activities at DKRZ. They summerize the results of important completed projects and take a look at ongoing and newly started projects. They are only available in German.

DKRZ newsletter

The DKRZ newsletter informs about current issues at DKRZ. It is released at irregular intervals several times a year and does not exceed the extent of two sides.

Scientific Publications

DKRZ ist involved in various scientific and infrastructure projects. Here you will find a list of publications.

DKRZ posters

The posters inform about different topics concerning DKRZ work and infrastructure. They are usually used for external events.


Here we present slides of keynotes, invited talks an scientific talks held on international conferences.

Data Management Stories

The Data Mangement stories at DKRZ highlight services and activities of DKRZ related to management of climate data.

Handouts - Climate Change

The State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development (Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung ) in cooperation with DKRZ supports the project "climate protection at schools". Within the project a lecture series focusing on the different aspects of climate change is organized. For each of the six talks a handout summarizes the main facts (only available in German).

TerraFlops 2002-2008

The joint newsletter "TerraFlops" of DKRZ and the former "Model and Data" group at MPI-M (now the department "Data Management" at DKRZ) was published between 2002 and 2008.

Reports 1991 - 2008

The technical reports published between 1991 and 2008 include technical descriptions of models, data and tools.