DYAMOND++ - A High Resolution Climate Model Setup
This film describes the development of DYAMOND++, from low resolution climate models in the past, to high resolution regional setups to study clouds and cloud building processes in greater detail. It includes interviews with some of the scientific minds behind the project, and shows visualization examples of their work.
ESiWACE - the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe
The EU-funded Center of Excellence ESiWACE, which is coordinated by the DKRZ, presents a film about the importance of global high-resolution climate and weather simulations and the role that ESiWACE plays in their development. The film illustrates the development of computing power as well as the achievable model resolution and their significance for our understanding of the climate system and future adaptation strategies as well as for Europe as an HPC location.
Global Storm-Resolving simulations using the climate model ICON LEM
This video features visualizations based on simulations at different resolutions - ranging from a global setup of the atmosphere model ICON at a resolution of 5 km to the large eddy version ICON LEM at 150 m resolution. The development of ICON-LEM and the simulations are part of a joint project led by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). The work has received financial support through ESiWACE.
HD(CP)² - Cloud-resolving simulation over Germany
The HD(CP)² project is funded by the BMBF and coordinated by DKRZ. It aims to improve the understanding of the cloud and precipitation processes that cause a significant of the uncertainties in weather and climate simulations. For the model area Germany, a horizontal resolution of 100 m x 100 m and 150 layers in the vertical are used, which corresponds to around 3.3 billion grid cells.