• HPC and data archive operations
  • System administration, planning, procurement and installation of all computers, data archives, network and communication devices
  • Central IT services
  • Data center operations and planning

Department Systems 2023 

For calls from outside Germany, please dial with prefix "+49 40". Example: +49 40 460094 999.

Responsibility Phone extension Room E-Mail
Carsten Schmitt Department head 460094-274 222 c2NobWl0dEBka3J6LmRl
Carsten Beyer 460094-221 202 YmV5ZXJAZGtyei5kZQ==
Micha Blankenburg 460094-241 206 YmxhbmtlbmJ1cmdAZGtyei5kZQ==
Olaf Gellert 460094-214 202 Z2VsbGVydEBka3J6LmRl
Johannes Gäding 460094-295 225 Z2FlZGluZ0Bka3J6LmRl
Dr. Thomas Kaule 460094-389 225 a2F1bGVAZGtyei5kZQ==
Olaf Kempendorf 460094-129 a2VtcGVuZG9yZkBka3J6LmRl
Christian Maly System administration Windows 460094-107 227 bWFseUBka3J6LmRl
Dr. Hadieh Monajemi System administrator HSM system 460094-108 205 bW9uYWplbWlAZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Natalja Rakowsky HPC Administration 460094-298 226 cmFrb3dza3lAZGtyei5kZQ==
Frank Rambo 460094-290 223 cmFtYm9AZGtyei5kZQ==
Hinrich Reichardt 460094-220 221 cmVpY2hhcmR0QGRrcnouZGU=
Sascha Thöming Technical Lead Infrastructure 460094-136 203 dGhvZW1pbmdAZGtyei5kZQ==
Stephan Tödt IT purchase, IT service 460094-104 226 dG9lZHRAZGtyei5kZQ==
Gerald Vogt System management 460094-127 224 dm9ndEBka3J6LmRl
Dirk Welsch 460094-423 226 d2Vsc2NoQGRrcnouZGU=