Keeping research data findable, accessible and (re)usable for the long-term is an integral part of sustainable research data management. This ensures clearly traceable provenance of scientific results in accordance with common rules of good scientific practice and is a prerequisite for research grant approval.


The start of offering long-term archiving and preservation of datasets relevant for climate science at DKRZ dates back to 1994. The DKRZ long-term archive (DKRZ-LTA) is certified according to the criteria of the World Data System and those of the "Core Trust Seal" (access the certification document) and is thus classified as a trustworthy data repository.


Depending on the needs for the preservation of individual datasets, DKRZ offers two flavours of its long-term archiving service: WDCC ("World Data Center for Climate") or DOKU ("DOKUmentation"). Both services build on the reliable and high-performance data storage capacities at DKRZ (DKRZ HPSS).

WDCC: full-featured preservation of climate- and Earth System research data 

In the framework of the World Data System, DKRZ takes the role of the World Data Center for Climate (WDCC). Preservation of climate data and their detailed description suggests itself for datasets intended for re-use. 

Logo WDC Climate

Data preservation in WDCC - key aspects:

  • comprehensive consultation and support regarding the preparation of the data for long-term archiving
  • comprehensive technical quality assurance of the data
  • comprehensive description of the data ("metadata")

    FAIR Logo

  • support of the "FAIR Data" principles for scientific data management and stewardship - confirmed by the signing of the COPDESS Commitment for Data Publications in June 2018
  • guaranteed long-term (>10 years) findability and (re)usability of preserved data 
  • allocation of DataCite DOI's to preserved datasets

Further information on WDCC

DOKU: simplified archival of publication- and project data

Preservation of research data in DOKU is the simplified alternative to WDCC. Data preservation in DOKU is the ideal solution for datasets having to be archived and made accessible for reference purposes. These could be datasets underlying a scientific publication or which were created within externally-funded research projects. 

Data preservation in DOKU - key aspects:

  • basic consultation regarding the preparation of the data 
  • guaranteed findability and accessibility of the preserved data for a period of 10 years
  • restricted to data associated with a registered DKRZ project 

Further information on DOKU

Data access

Data sets preserved at DKRZ - either in WDCC or DOKU - are findable and accessible via the central DKRZ CERA-Portal. Data access is free of charge and for the largest part unrestricted. However, you will need to register to get a user account.


Please contact us (DKRZ's data management department) via email: ZGF0YUBka3J6LmRl.

Karsten Peters