Better is responsible for defining and testing the configurations of the ICON model and the IFS-FESOM model, which will be used in identical settings as ICON to assess the ICON-based future projections. This module is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research.
Easier will open a gate to a scalable workflow by improving the data flows from the model simulation to the point of analysis. DKRZ will contribute to improved online analysis capabilities that allow to perform processing on the data before even writing it to disk, and to a comprehensive data storage and access framework easing the handling of the model output once it is written to disk and transferred to the tape archive. Furthermore, the Freva analysis platform will be included to ease the analysis workflows. The module is coordinated by DKRZ and University of Cologne.
For the fourth module Smarter BMBF published an open call in February 2023 for associated projects from the applied maths and informatics communities with the aim to improve the throughput of the WarmWorld model system or accelerate workflows without reducing the simulation quality too much. Here, also machine learning approaches could play a role. Deadline for the submission of project sketches is March 31st, 2023. Further information: https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/shareddocs/bekanntmachungen/de/2023/02/2023-02-10-Bekanntmachung-WarmWorld.html?view=renderNewsletterHtml
Further informations:
- Project website Warmworld: https://warmworld.de
- Webnews about the start of the first module "Faster": here
- Contact: d2FybXdvcmxkX29mZmljZUBtcGltZXQubXBnLmRl