
At the meeting's opening ceremony, Germany's Minister of Education and Research, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, emphasized the importance of globally accessible data for the IPCC reports. She pointed out that climate change is a global challenge. The scientific evidence base and expertise must therefore be available globally, too. The German government not only supports the technical support unit (TSU), but is also involved in the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC). Minister Stark-Watzinger commends: "This centre grants global access to the data used by the IPCC in its reports. This increases the transparency and thus the trustworthiness of findings proved by the reports."

As a DDC partner, DKRZ has traditionally operated the reference data archive for the global climate model data throughout the CMIP phases. The part of the CMIP6 data used in the IPCC AR6 will be transferred to the IPCC AR6 reference data archive of the DDC at DKRZ for long-term re-use (e.g. by climate impact and adaptation research).

Video of the opening ceremony on February, 14th, 2022: https://youtu.be/00_0udBrw_w