
The first part of the sixth IPCC report summarizes the scientific facts on climate change. In spring 2022, the two other parts will be published, dealing with adaptation to possible consequences of climate change as well as with its possible mitigation. A synthesis of the three parts of the Assessment Report will be published in the fall of 2022.

DKRZ contributed to the report through its involvement in the German scenario calculations and its role as part of the IPCC Data Center. Information on the models and climate scenarios used for the German contribution, the computational effort, access to the results data, and numerous visualizations of the model results are published on the DKRZ website: www.dkrz.de/de/projekte-und-partner/HLRE-Projekte/focus/CMIP6-en.

The AI/ML research group at DKRZ also had its share in the first three chapters of AR6. Using AI/ML methods for reconstructing missing data of the past climate (Kadow et al. [2020]), DKRZ has contributed to the understanding of past climate by "filling in" recent observational datasets, providing an impression of what neural network development can contribute to future climate research.

Further Information:
• Website of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change): www.ipcc.ch
• Information on Working Group 1 (WG1) of IPCC AR6: www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-working-group-i/
• Key messages of IPCC AR6 WGI (in German): www.de-ipcc.de/media/content/Hauptaussagen_AR6-WGI.pdf
• Deutsches Klima-Konsortium (DKK): www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de/startseite.html
• Climate simulations and results of the IPCC report (DKK): www.klimasimulationen.de/#Artikel
• Interaktive atlas of the IPCC modell results: https://interactive-atlas.ipcc.ch/
• Information by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the IPCC and the German IPCC Coordination Center (in German): https://www.fona.de/de/massnahmen/internationales/der-weltklimarat-ipcc-und-die-deutsche-ipcc-koordinierungsstelle.php