Department Data Analysis 2023

The evaluation of climate simulations includes both technical aspects, such as efficient data movement and workflows on DKRZ's versatile hardware components, and software aspects, such as in the area of machine learning.

For calls from outside Germany, please dial with prefix "+49 40". Example: +49 40 460094 999.

Responsibility Phone extension Room E-Mail
Dr. Christopher Kadow Department Head 460094-425 FT 415 a2Fkb3dAZGtyei5kZQ==
Dr. Caroline Arnold Helmholtz AI Consultant / Earth and Environment 460094-404 FT 402 YXJub2xkQGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Martin Bergemann 460094-346 FT 410 YmVyZ2VtYW5uQGRrcnouZGU=
Danu Caus Helmholtz AI, Machine Learning 460094-429 FT 402 Y2F1c0Bka3J6LmRl
Bijan Fallah 460094-309 ZmFsbGFoQGRrcnouZGU=
Harsh Grover Helmholtz AI consultant @ DKRZ 460094-331 FT 401 Z3JvdmVyQGRrcnouZGU=
Mostafa Hadizadeh 460094-394 aGFkaXphZGVoQGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Paul Keil Helmholtz AI consultant / Earth and Environment 460094-299 405 a2VpbEBka3J6LmRl
Dr. Etor E. Lucio Eceiza Software Coordination, ClimXtreme/CoSoX, Freva 460094-210 FT 411 bHVjaW8tZWNlaXphQGRrcnouZGU=
Johannes Meuer Machine Learning, VolImpact 460094-340 FT 409 bWV1ZXJAZGtyei5kZQ==
Adeniyi Mosaku Helmholtz AI Consultant / Earth and Environment 460094-101 FT 405 bW9zYWt1QGRrcnouZGU=
Felix Oertel 460094-308 b2VydGVsQGRrcnouZGU=
Dr. Étienne Plésiat 460094-239 FT 409 cGxlc2lhdEBka3J6LmRl
Manuel Reis 460094-155 cmVpc0Bka3J6LmRl
Dr. Tobias Weigel Helmholtz AI (AIM) 460094-431 FT 403 d2VpZ2VsQGRrcnouZGU=
Bianca Wentzel 460094-157 d2VudHplbEBka3J6LmRl
Dr. Maximilian Witte Machine Learning, ExaOcean 460094-209 FT 409 d2l0dGVAZGtyei5kZQ==