- Help desk and processing of compute time requests
- High-performance computing (methodological consulting, code optimisation, performance analysis, error analysis)
- Research software engineering (collaborative development of earth system models)
- Tools (data and information management, web server, co-operation)
- Scientific visualisation
- Public relations and outreach (press, visitor groups, events)
- Documentation and training for DKRZ services
For calls from outside Germany, please dial with prefix "+49 40". Example: +49 40 460094 999.
Responsibility | Phone extension | Room | |||
Dr. Hendryk Bockelmann | Department head | 460094-144 | 211 | Ym9ja2VsbWFubkBka3J6LmRl | |
Dr. Panagiotis Adamidis | HPC Group Lead | 460094-342 | 213 | YWRhbWlkaXNAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Jörg Behrens | ICON, WarmWorld-Faster, HPC development | 460094-152 | 220 | YmVocmVuc0Bka3J6LmRl | |
Dr. Sofiane Bendoukha | Interactive HPC based on Jupyter* | 460094-432 | 216 | YmVuZG91a2hhQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Dr. Joachim Biercamp | Strategic project partnerships | 460094-314 | 217 | YmllcmNhbXBAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Michael Böttinger | Scientific Visualization & PR | 460094-344 | 209 | Ym9ldHRpbmdlckBka3J6LmRl | |
Aparna Devulapalli | Research Software Engineer, natESM | 460094-321 | 217 | ZGV2dWxhcGFsbGlAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dr. Nils-Arne Dreier | ICON, WarmWorld-Easier, In-situ Interfaces | 460094-123 | ZHJlaWVyQGRrcnouZGU= | ||
Dr. Julia Duras | ICON, WarmWorld-Faster, Benchmarks | 460094-402 | 217 | ZHVyYXNAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dr. Iris Ehlert | natESM Process Coordinator | 460094-289 | I mainly work from home. | ZWhsZXJ0QGRrcnouZGU= | |
Dr. Jan Frederik Engels | Service & Tools Group Lead | 460094-216 | 218 | ZW5nZWxzQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Irina Fast | User Support | 460094-319 | 216 | ZmFzdEBka3J6LmRl | |
Dr. Kerstin Fieg | 460094-137 | 210 | ZmllZ0Bka3J6LmRl | ||
Dr. Claudia Frauen | WarmWorld Chief Technologist | 460094-291 | 210 | ZnJhdWVuQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Dr. Pay Giesselmann | Energy efficient HPC, GreenHPC | 460094-116 | 218 | Z2llc3NlbG1hbm5AZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Moritz Hanke | HPC development / support, YAC, YAXT | 460094-150 | 218 | aGFua2VAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dr. Sebastian Hinck | User Support | 460094-230 | 219 | aGluY2tAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Thomas Jahns | User Support, HPC development | 460094-151 | 220 | amFobnNAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dylan Kierans | ICON, GPU porting, DestinationEarth | 460094-324 | 216 | a2llcmFuc0Bka3J6LmRl | |
Wilton Jaciel Loch | Research Software Engineer, natESM | 105 | bG9jaEBka3J6LmRl | ||
Dr. Georgiana Mania | GPU porting, WarmWorld-Faster | 460094-145 | 215 | bWFuaWFAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Karin Meier-Fleischer | Visualization, Python, CDO, NCL | 460094-126 | 209 | bWVpZXItZmxlaXNjaGVyQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Jana Meyer | Public Relations | 460094-332 | 209 | amFuYS5tZXllckBka3J6LmRl | |
Aleksandar Mitic | Research Software Engineer, ESiWACE | 460094-140 | 217 | bWl0aWNAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Ralf Müller | ICON, CDO, HPC development / Support | 460094-139 | 216 | cmFsZi5tdWVsbGVyQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Julius Plehn | Energy efficient HPC, GreenHPC, EECliPs | 460094-158 | 217 | cGxlaG5AZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Maria Rompe | Project Assistent / natESM Project | 460094-283 | cm9tcGVAZGtyei5kZQ== | ||
Dr. Kerstin Ronneberger | Services & Tools | 460094-322 | 212 | cm9ubmViZXJnZXJAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dr. Mathis Rosenhauer | User Support Group Lead | 460094-395 | 214 | cm9zZW5oYXVlckBka3J6LmRl | |
Dr. Pradipta Samanta | ICON, WarmWorld-Faster, GPU porting | 460094-109 | 215 | c2FtYW50YUBka3J6LmRl | |
Niclas Schroeter | HPCW benchmark, HANAMI project | 460094-296 | c2Nocm9ldGVyQGRrcnouZGU= | ||
Ali Sedighi | ICON, GPU porting, DestinationEarth | 460094-341 | c2VkaWdoaUBka3J6LmRl | ||
Dr. Bodo Alexander Voigt | User Support | 460094-238 | 219 | dm9pZ3RAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Xingran Wang | HPC development, YAXT, IF(CES)2 | 460094-235 | 217 | d2FuZ0Bka3J6LmRl | |
Dr. Florian Ziemen | Visualization | 460094-115 | 212 | emllbWVuQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Janos Zimmermann | Visualization | 460094-141 | emltbWVybWFubkBka3J6LmRl | ||
Dr. Dominik Zobel | GPU porting, ICON, CLICCS | 460094-337 | 210 | em9iZWxAZGtyei5kZQ== |