
The first ten rankings on the TOP500 list remain unchanged compared to the previous list The list is led by the two American IBM systems: the supercomputer Summit at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a Linpack performance of 148.6 PetaFLOPS and the Sierra system at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with 94.6 PetaFLOPS. On rank three and four are two Chinese supercomputer systems: TaihuLight at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi with 93.0 PetaFLOPS and Tianhe-2A (Milky Way 2A) at the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou with 61.4 PetaFLOPS.

In total 16 German HPC systems are listed within the TOP500 supercomputers. The most powerful German system is the SuperMUC-NG with a performance of 19.5 PetaFLOPS operated at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sience and Humanities (LRZ) in Garching/München. DKRZ’ system Mistral with its performance of 3.0 PetaFLOPS is listed as the seventh strongest HPC system in Germany.

In addition to the publication of the TOP500 list, the Supercomputing Conference (SC19) once again offered a comprehensive and diversified technical and scientific HPC program. Prof. Thomas Ludwig participated as a speaker within the panel discussion as part of the workshop „Computational Reproducibility at Exascale 2019 (CRE2019)”..
Jakob Lüttgau co-organized the Birds of a Feather  „With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Ethics in HPC” and gave a talk within the session.

Complete TOP500 list: www.top500.org/lists/2019/11/

Complete I/O-Liste: www.vi4io.org/hpsl/2019/start/

Information about SC’19: sc19.supercomputing.org/