Tape Libraries

Spectralogic TFinityIn order to ensure a continuous flow of climate data from the high performance computer to the archiving system and fast access to archived data, DKRZ operates one of the world’s largest and most powerful data archives. The increase in newly archived climate data is currently (as of 2023) more than 20 Petabytes per year.


The archive system at a glance:Ein Blick in das Magnetbandarchiv

  • Software: StrongLink
  • 7 automated Oracle/StorageTek SL8500 tape libraries
    • 8 robot arms per library
    • 70,000 slots for magnetic cassettes
  • 3 Spectra Logic Tfinity tape libraries
    • 2 robot arms per library
    • 31,600 slots for magnetic cassettes
  • 129 tape drives (LTO-5/6/7/8), thereof 62 LTO-8 tape drives
  • 2 Petabytes disk cache
  • more than 415 Petabytes total capacity
  • bidirectional bandwidth of 15 Gigabyte/s (sustained)

Movie: Inside of the tape library