NUKLEUS as a joint project within the major project RegIKlim is primarily concerned with the provision of useful, usable and high-resolution climate information for Germany - on a previously unattained scale. Therefore, in phase 1 the prototype of an ensemble with simulations of regional climate models will be assembled, which will be additionally complemented by statistical and statistical-dynamic downscaling methods to get a better estimation of the range of climate information. NUKLEUS will accomplish these tasks to meet the needs of the RegIKlim model regions for local climate information. At the DKRZ the sub-project Analysis Infrastructure (ANAIS)  devlops a cross-project interface technology for effective data provision and software development on high-performance computer architectures. The exchange of data, analyses and results between all project partners is to be ensured with a uniform analysis platform tailored to the overall project. Data and software developers will be provided with standardized tools for embedding and usage, which will additionally record development steps of the projects and thus provide a continuous overall overview.




1,5 fulltime equivalent

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