The HANAMI project aims to contribute to strengthening the European HPC ecosystem by enabling European stakeholders to improve HPC applications and codes in academic and industrial cases of interest to Europe and Japan in the identified priority areas. This includes enhancing international collaboration between the EU and Japanese HPC communities in the development of advanced HPC applications, with a roadmap for future collaboration in specific areas. Weather and climate simulations are one of three application areas represented in HANAMI. HANAMI will work closely with the existing “Centers of Excellence”, in our case ESiWACE. DKRZ will contribute to the extension, support and exemplary application of the “High Performance Weather and Climate Benchmark” (HPCW) developed in ESCAPE-2, ESiWACE2 and ESiWACE3, which will be extended in HANAMI by the Japanese NICAM model and ported to the Japanese FUGAKU computer.




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Funded by:

EU (Horizon Europe)