The project "ESiWACE" (short for: Excellence in Science of Weather and Climate in Europe) is a "Center of Excellence" (CoE) funded by the EU. ESIWACE is coordinated by DKRZ (Joachim Biercamp). The project consists of 5 work packages, which aim at making the overall process of weather and climate simulations on modern HPC systems more efficient and productive. This has become necessary since fundamental technical changes are increasingly causing bottlenecks in the established work structures and inhibiting the further development of research. Specifically, work package 2 focuses on improving the scalability of models, tools and data management structures, work package 3 on increasing the general usability of models and tools, and work package 4 on improving the exploitability and availability of large data sets. The two remaining more administrative work packages 1 and 5 flank the three technical work packages and manage the collaboration and ensure embedding in larger scientific communities and sustainability of the results. Dr. Biercamp is leading work package 5 ("Management and Dissimination") and has taken over the co-leadership of work package 1 ("Governance, Engagement & longterm Sustainability"), Prof. Dr. Ludwig has taken over the co-leadership of work package 4 ("Exploitability").
1.5 fulltime equivalent