C3-Grid is an already finished project within D-Grid, the initiative to promote a grid-based e-Science framework in Germany. The goal of C3-Grid is to support the workflow of Earth system researchers. A grid infrastructure will be implemented that allows efficient distributed data processing and inter-institutional data exchange. Based on existing grid technologies, a new generation of an overall collaborative system will be created, consisting of a meta-directory system for consistent description of data, effective access to bulk data in federated storage systems, integrated analysis capabilities, replica management, and scheduling mechanisms to avoid unnecessary data transfer.
The Collaborative Climate Community Data and Processing Grid (C3-Grid INAD: Towards an INfrastructure for general Access to climate Data) provides an easy-to-use way to access climate model and observational data that reside in globally distributed data archives. Among others, model data of the ESGF data nodes (especially the CMIP5 calculations), parts of the CERA database at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) and observation data derived from satellite data of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring CMSAF (DWD) are available. In addition to downloading data, the C3-Grid also allows evaluations of the data sets with the help of standardized work routines ("workflows"). The currently implemented workflows are specific scientific applications and requirements for climate services. C3-INAD is the follow-up project to C3-Grid funded by the Global Change Unit of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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