
The project WarmWorld tackles the challenges of a heating planet by advancing the high resolution capabilities of the weather and climate model ICON, thereby contributing significantly to the ongoing developments.

DKRZ is involved in two of the four moduls of WarmWorld. The module faster is coordinated by DKRZ and aims to increase ICON’s run time efficiency and construct a more fine-meshed model grid. The module easier is co-jointly coordinated by DKRZ and University of Cologne. Within this module novel methods will be developed to facilitate data analysis. The module better has the aim of improving der physics of the model. Within the module smarter, machine learning methods are tested within and parallel to the model ICON.

The General Assembly featured plenary presentations on the three current modules (better, faster, and easier) and the introduction of new project partners in the module smarter. Charlotte Debus, KIT, delivered a keynote on the application of Artificial Intelligence in Earth System Modeling as part of the module smarter. Participants engaged in discussions at World Cafe tables to plan next steps, with DKRZ members playing a significant role in the presentations and discussions: Dr. Claudia Frauen gave an overview of the module faster. Dr. Georgiana Mania and Dr. Pradipta Samanta promoted the new code developments for the model ICON. Last but not least Dr. Nils-Arne Dreier contributed to the overview presentation for the module easier.

Photo on the top: Participants of the WarmWorld Assembly 2024 at AWI Bremerhafen. Photo collage: Impressions of the Assembly. (Copyright for all photos: MPI-M / AWI).

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