For the Chinese scientists, the visit to Hamburg marks the end of their trip in connection with the 14th International Conference on Air Quality in Helsinki/Finland in May 2024, with further stops at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva/Switzerland and the University of Helsinki.
At the MPI-M, the guests received an insight into current research questions and the latest developments and exchanged ideas about opportunities for joint research projects and collaborations.
During the workshop "Bridging Perspectives - Exploring Climate Change Dynamics in a Global Context", researchers from MPI-M and the Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" (CLICCS) using the example of the ICON model, explained the development of a new generation of climate models. These models should run on exascale supercomputer systems and will foster the research on the interactions between climate and society.
Afterwards, Prof. Thomas Ludwig and Michael Böttinger gave the delegation at the DKRZ an overview of the history of the German Climate Computing Center and computer development in recent years. There was also a particular focus on the current need and use of HPC resources in climate research, before the guests received a tour of the high-performance computer “Levante” and the data archive.
News about the visit to the MPI-M website: here