The royal couple arrived at Dammtor train station with the ICE, the king visited memorials, shook hands and signed the city's golden book in the town hall. Then Charles III, who has been committed to sustainability and climate protection for many years, went on a boat tour through the port of Hamburg. On the journey from the Dockland to the former coal-fired power plant and future hydrogen site in Moorburg, the king was told about the decarbonization of the maritime economy, renewable energies, the use of hydrogen technology and the environmentally, as well as about climate-friendly transformation of industry in personal discussions. Among the fourty guests on board have been representatives of the Hamburg port industry, Nobel Prize winner Prof. Klaus Hasselmann and DKRZ director Prof. Thomas Ludwig.
For the grand final of their visit to Hamburg, Charles and Camilla attended a reception with British and German music at Schuppen 52. 1,000 guests were invited to the British Embassy party, including representatives of the DKRZ team.
NDR Info extra: König Charles III. auf Hamburg-Besuch (German only, Sendung: NDR Info | 31.03.2023 | 17:00 Uhr)