First held in 1986, ISC High Performance is the world's oldest and Europe's most important HPC conference. It offers scientists, manufacturers and users from the fields of HPC, networks and storage technologies an important opportunity for exchange and international networking. Under the motto "Imagine tomorrow", ISC 23 is dedicated to the challenges in HPC, machine learning, data analysis and quantum computing. The program offers a wide range of talks, workshops and tutorials on the five main topics: system architecture, parallel programming of models & performance modelling, applications and algorithms, machine learning and quantum computing.
The highlight of the DKRZ booth J908 are the latest storm-resolving climate visualizations, which can be seen on the climate globe and an interactive touch table. The supercomputer Levante is currently the only supercomputer in Europe capable of computing the fully coupled global ICON Earth system model with a horizontal resolution of 1.2 km in atmosphere and ocean.
This also includes the simulation of the "Blue Marble". To mark the 50th anniversary of this iconic photograph taken by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on their way to the moon in 1972, a team from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, DKRZ and NVIDIA simulated the actual weather of that date and beyond two days with the weather and climate model ICON. ICON was run with a resolution of 1 km with 90 vertical planes in the atmosphere (about 340 million grid points per plane) and 128 vertical planes in the ocean (about 240 million surface grid points). A time step of 8 seconds was used for the atmosphere and 45 seconds for the ocean. The simulation used 900 computing nodes - about a third of the entire Levante supercomputer. Three simulation days were calculated per day. The data was visualized in NVIDIA Omniverse.
At its booth, the team will also present numerous projects in which the DRKZ is involved as a partner – among them the projects WarmWorld, ESiWACE, natESM and others from the GreenHPC and SCALEXA call.
Interested visitors will have the opportunity to attend a guided tour to the HPC system "Levante" at 1:30 p.m. on May 23 and 24, 2023 at the DKRZ, which is situated just a 20-minute walk away.
Through contributions to the DDN user group meeting and in the poster session, the DKRZ team is also involved in the conference program.
The team "Elbe" with students from the universities of Hamburg and Magdeburg take part as one of the seven on-site teams in the Student Cluster Competition. In addition, they automatically start as well in the online version of the competition with 16 teams. The team is supervised by the working group "Scientific Computing" at DKRZ and supported by Atos as the main sponsor. Further news, results and much more on their Twitter channel: https://twitter.com/scc_team_elbe
Further information:
- ISC official website: https://www.isc-hpc.com/
- Student Cluster Competition: https://www.hpcadvisorycouncil.com/events/student-cluster-competition