
The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, novel techniques and usage of high performance computing.

The this year's focus is set on three complementary themes:

  • Computing for Planet Earth
  • Epidemiology and Public Health
  • Data Science and Inequality

Dr. Tobias Weigel chairs the mini-symposium Towards ESM-ML Hybrids with Practical Workflows and Model Integration focussing on promising applications, practical workflows and model integration of machine leraning mehtods in the field of earth system modelling. followed by a discussion in which participants can share their experiences. In the first talk of the symposium, Fortran-Pytorch Bridge for Machine Learning Applications in Earth System Models, Dr. Caroline Arnold presents the coupling of Fortran-based Earth system models and Python-based machine learning models for improved parameterization of processes.

The mini-symposium ICON-Next: Current Developments in Rewriting the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) Model for Emerging Architectures focuses on current and future developments of the weather and climate model ICON to enable storm-resolving Earth system simulations on the upcoming exascale generation of high-performance computers with heterogeneous architectures of CPUs and GPUs.

Within the symposium Dr. Hendryk Bockelmann speaks about ICON-C: An Earth-System Model for the Exa-Scale Era.

In her presentation WarmWorld: Exascale EarthSystem Models to Anticipate Changes in a Warmer World Dr. Claudia Frauen presents the first results of the prroject preWarmWorld in preparation of the project WarmWorld, whose start is planned for fall 2022.

Further information

Conference website: https://pasc22.pasc-conference.org/

Complet schedule for PASC22: https://pasc22.pasc-conference.org/program/schedule/