The project natESM, which is funded by the BMBF, aims at tackling co-jointly the HPC software development for the highly complex earth system models respectively making it technically possible at all. Together with the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC), the DKRZ offers HPC expertise and support in the software development of ESM components on HPC systems in so-called sprints (work packages in agile software development) through a national support team.

On the first workshop day it was recapitulated, what was achieved during the first year and a half as part of the natESM project - despite the restrictions caused by COVID19. Based on this review and the results of the first four sprints, a more in-depth discussion about possible further developments of the strategy then took place. After this joint plenary discussion, the participants continued to discuss in various working groups and fine-tuned further work results.
On the following day the group leaders presented the outcomes of the working groups and the workshop:
- A "sprint pre-check" will be introduced for a preliminary assessment of upcoming sprint submissions.
- The land surface is the next core component of the natESM system to be addressed.
- Formation of temporary problem-oriented working groups.
Further information:
- Talks, summaries of the working groups and photos: https://www.nat-esm.de/services/trainings/workshop-3
- Further information about Sprint applications: https://www.nat-esm.de/services/request-for-sprints
- Further information about working groups: https://www.nat-esm.de/project/community/working-groups
- Project website: https://nat-esm.de