
While the third phase of IS-ENES (short for: Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modeling) addresses the advancement and evaluation of Earth system models (as in the context of the CMIP6 experiments) and data management as well as the analysis of the computed  data, the second phase of ESiWACE (short for Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe) focuses on cutting-edge research on ultra-high-resolution climate simulations in the exascale sector.

IS-ENES3: An infrastructure for European climate projections

de-EU.jpg  This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824084

IS-ENES3 continues the development of an infrastructure for the European Earth System Modeling Network (ENES). At the heart of this infrastructure are tools, standards and services that support model development, model analysis and climate data distribution and analysis. DKRZ is leading a work package aimed at establishing and providing unified European climate data services. DKRZ integrates its data services for data distribution, long-term archiving and data analysis and is significantly involved in the development of sustainability concepts for the IS-ENES infrastructure.


ESiWACE2: The European Center of Excellence for weather and climate simulations in the exascale era

de-EU.jpg  ESiWACE2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823988

ESiWACE2 will be coordinated by DKRZ, as was the case for the first phase of ESiWACE. The aim of ESiWACE2 is to prepare internationally leading European Earth system models for the next generation of high performance computing systems ("pre-exascale" and "exascale" systems) to be operated or developed in the EU. The efficient use of climate models on such exascale systems places enormous demands on the scalability and portability of the models and the data processing, a task that cannot be accomplished by individual institutions. ESiWACE2 provides a platform for the necessary interdisciplinary and international cooperation.

From March 11 to 13, 2019 the ESiWACE annual meeting and the ESiWACE2 kick-off meeting will take place at the Mövenpick Hotel Hamburg. More information about both events: https://www.esiwace.eu/events/esiwace-annual-meeting-and-esiwace2-kickoff-meeting