The Helmholtz AI platform is organizing the Helmholtz AI Conference 2023 in Hamburg - registration is now open!
The conference will take place on 12–14 June in Hamburg, at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and at the Kuppel-Hamburg.
This year’s keynote speakers are Zeynep Akata, professor of Computer Science within the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning at the University of Tübingen and Max Welling, research chair and full professor in Machine Learning at the University of Amsterdam and Distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research.
In addition to the keynote presentations, the conference will also be hosting poster sessions, oral presentations, and a joint day with the sister platform Helmholtz Imaging on 14 June at the Kuppel-Hamburg.
Abstract submissions for a talk or a poster are open until 14 April, 2023.
Visit the conference website for more information and registration.
The Helmholtz AI conference is jointly organized by Hereon/DKRZ, DESY, Helmholtz Munich, FZJ, and HZDR.