
The workshop offered the participants the opportunity to gain insight into GPU computing, which is a fast growing field with great potential in various research areas. The talks covered a wide range of topics: from the basics of GPU architecture to advanced programming techniques. In addition to the presentations, the focus was especially set on hands-on exercises in which the participants could gain their own practical experience in programming Nvidia GPUs and apply their newly acquired knowledge.

The workshop is intended to provide scientists with an introduction to delve deeper into the subject matter with further workshops or through their own training courses. The interactive nature of the event enabled fruitful discussions and offered networking opportunities between participants with different research backgrounds.

Due to the success of this workshop and the positive feedback from participants, further workshops are to be offered in the future.

Programming climate models on GPUs is still a major challenge for scientists. Particularly within the natESM project, the DKRZ offers its users a good opportunity to work together with research software engineers (RSE) on the topic of GPU porting.