The Extreme Weather Congress (EWK) was officially opened with the topic "Where we stand with climate change and extreme weather in Germany, Europe and the world". During the next two days, numerous lectures, workshops and discussions followed for the approximately 700 participants from the fields of meteorology, climate science, urban planning, medicine and business.
On the second day, the EWK seamlessly transitioned into the first German Climate Management Conference. Over 40 workshops covered topics such as heavy rain prevention and heat protection in cities and municipalities, municipal heat planning, sustainable construction, climate impact costs and much more.
The entire congress was accompanied by an exhibition in which the DKRZ was represented alongside the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), the German Weather Service (DWD), the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) and many more. Magnet for visitors was the climate globe at the DKRZ booth, which shows current visualizations of global high-resolution simulations by our users.
Initially, the DKRZ stand was particularly popular as a filming location for interviews, for example with the polar expert Arved Fuchs, who has just returned from an expedition to Bear Island.
Parallel to the EWK, the educational weeks "Wetter.Wasser.Waterkant" took place between September 9th and October 2nd, 2024, offering school classes numerous workshops, lectures and excursions on the topics of climate, sustainability and social transformation processes free of charge. For this purpose, 113 Hamburg institutions, authorities, associations, foundations and companies - including the DKRZ - have put together well over 125 different events. During the EWK, two school classes from the Fritz Schumacher School and the Stadtteilschule am Heidberg were given an insight by Michael Böttinger at the DKRZ booth at HafenCity University into how scientists use the DKRZ supercomputer to model the past, present and future climate. Afterwards the pupils got hte chance to choose between different simulations and displayed climate variables on the climate globe and see the possible effects of climate change around the globe.
Further information:
- Extreme weather congress: https://extremwetterkongress.org/
- Educational weeks Wetter.Wasser.Waterkant: www2024.de/