With the impacts of climate change already visible around the world, decision makers are increasingly dependent on accurate information to support society's adaptation to current and future climate change. Decisions must be based on reliable climate data and projections that provide such information. Therefore, climate research infrastructures ranging from Earth system models to a sustainable and science-based climate observation system must be developed, continuously improved, and maintained.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) is addressing this need with its new core project, Earth System Modeling and Observations (ESMO), which will coordinate and develop all modeling, data assimilation, and observational activities within WCRP. For this reason, WCRP will open a new International Project Office (IPO) on May 1, 2023, which will be located at DKRZ. It will support the activities developed by ESMO and take the lead in coordinating scientific activities and a communication strategy for ESMO.
The new office will be under the direction of the ESMO Scientific Steering Group, will be overseen by the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee, and will work closely with the WCRP Secretariat in Geneva.
The new office team will be under contract at DKRZ. Initially, the position of Director of the Office will be advertised.