After the workshop, originally planned for December 2021, was moved to April 2022, the 16 participants met at the DKRZ office Fuhlentwiete. After a short introduction they've got the chance to try out the individual tools themselves in working groups.
ESM-Tools is a software developed with the aim to unify model infrastructure, giving a common framework for downloading, compiling, running and organizing coupled or stand-alone models.
During the workshop, the participants co-jointly with the ESM tool developers took the first concrete steps to establish the models PISM and VILMA into the tools. Likewise, with the support of the DKRZ team, adaptation to Levante could be made for existing models so that they make the best possible use of the new high-performance computing system.
Workshop program: https://indico.dkrz.de/event/36/
Further information on ESM tools: https://www.esm-tools.net/