On the first day, project manager Mario Acosta, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), gave an overview of the project results. Afterwards the attendees discussed their impacts and further planning until the end of the funding phase.
Dr. Karsten Peters-von Gehlen presented the work on data storage and compression. This work in particular requires intensive communication and collaboration with other current projects with DKRZ involvement, such as NextGEMS, EERIE, Destination Earth and WarmWorld. Consolidated approaches and methods for the effective data handling of high-resolution weather and climate models must be developed in order to ensure their acceptance in the scientific community.
On the second day, selected topics were examined in more detail. Dr. Joachim Biercamp and Niclas Schröter presented the status and plans for the "High Performance Weather and Climate" benchmark and led a discussion on its future. This domain-specific benchmark is intended to complement generic ones, such as the high-performance Linpack benchmark used for the Top500, and includes among other things the ICON model.
In the final session, other projects with a direct connection to the work of ESiWACE were presented. For example, Dr. Claudia Frauen gave a comprehensive overview of the project WarmWorld and Dr. Hendryk Bockelmann of the project natESM.
News about the General Assembly on the ESiWACE project website: www.esiwace.eu/news/news/esiwace3-celebrates-its-3rd-general-assembly
Group photo of the participants at the ESiWACE3 General Assembly in Hamburg.