
EGU2017_ESiWACE Philipp Neumann gave a talk on  "ESiWACE: A Center of Excellence for HPC applications to support cloud resolving earth system modelling". The presentation focused on the project ESiWACE, especially on high-resolution global atmosphere-only simulations using, amongst others, the model ICON. At the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ECMWF and at DKRZ, first prototypical global numerical weather predictions (NWP) with a resolution of 2.5 km have already been run successfully.

Tobias Weigel co-organised the session „Integrated research infrastructures and services in geosciences“ that compiled presentations on the application of persistent identifiers (PID) in various areas of geoscience. The talk „Components for the Global Digital Object Cloud“ introduced inter alia the results on PID recently being published in the special issue of the Data Science Journal. During the correlated poster session Tobias Weigel and Martina Stockhause presented their poster about  Poster "ESGF Persistent Identifier services for CMIP6".

For the short course „Reproducible computational research in the publication cycle” Tobias Weigel was invited as a speaker. Michael Böttinger contributed to the short course „A picture is worth a thousand words: communicate science with data visualization” - the course focused on questions and the interpretation of climate / weather results, including psychological aspects of data interpretation.

DKRZ employees also performed at three PICO sessions. PICO, short for Presenting Interactive Content, is a presentation concept combining a short talk and an interactive presentation on a touchscreen to interact with the audience. Michael Böttinger and Karin Meier-Fleischer jointly with Veronika Eyring and Axel Lauer presented the PICO„Visualizing projected Climate Changes - the CMIP5 Multi-Model Ensemble“.

Niklas Röber co-organised the PICO session „Visual Eddy Analysis for the Agulhas Stream Using ICON Climate Simulation Data” during which he jointly contributed a PICO with Felix Raith and Gerik Scheuermann.


The third PICO session “CMIP6 Citation Services and the Data Services of the IPCC Data Distribution Centre for AR6” included a PICO about the two CMIP6 services of DKRZ held by Martina Stockhause and Michael Lautenschlager. The services are: the citation of evolving data during the project runtime and data services at DKRZ within the framework of the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (IPCC DDC) for the international scientific community.