About DKRZ
DKRZ is a national service facility and an important partner in climate research. Our high-performance computers, data archives and services form the central research infrastructure for simulation-based climate science in Germany. DKRZ supports climate scientists in the optimal use of the systems and offers a range of services around climate models, climate simulations and climate data: from supporting the execution of climate simulations, parallelization and optimization of the models to management, storage, publication as well as analysis and visualization of the simulation data.
Our topics for ISC 21 Digital
At the booth, you will find information on the new, fourth High Performance Computing System for Earth System Research (HLRE-4): The new supercomputer "Levante" is based on Atos BullSequana XH2000 technology and, with a total peak performance of 16 PetaFlops, will quintuple the previous computing power at DKRZ. Simultaneously with the set-up of the new supercomputer, the DKRZ magnetic tape archive will be expanded and a new Hierarchical Data Management (HSM) system designed by Cristie Data will be put into operation. Within the ISC21 Digital conference program, Cristie Data will present the new HSM as the Vendor Use Case "Building an Exabyte Data Archive to Advance Climate Science Research at DKRZ" on June 28, 2021 from 3:15 pm.
DKRZ is actively involved in a variety of projects in the fields of high-performance computing. Find out about the German contribution to the simulations for the CMIP6 project and for the 6th IPCC report, about the EU-funded Center of Excellence ESiWACE, being coordinated by DKRZ, and about the AIM project for machine learning methods in Earth system research.
DKRZ's service portfolio includes support for the analysis, visualization and for the communication of results of extensive numerical simulations. A recent publication of the DKRZ visualization team informs about developments and trends in the scientific workflow for the analysis and visualization of climate simulation data as well as about changes in available visualization techniques and tools.
In collaboration with DKRZ, INTEL will demonstrate with "Advanced Ray Tracing at Massive Scale" how to visualize high-resolution climate simulations using INTEL OSPRay with Paraview.Further information on INTELs virtual booth: https://hpcevents.intel.com/demo-hall/advanced-ray-tracing (press button "Climate Earth's Climate" below the video player)
Do you have any questions, requests or proprosals? Feel free to contact us: aW5mb0Bka3J6LmRl
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DKRZ's new supercomputer "Levante"
The new supercomputer is based on Atos BullSequana XH2000 technology, uses NVIDIA Mellanox InfiniBand HDR 200G Technology for data transfer and DDN components for data storage. The system consists of a total of 3,000 compute nodes with AMD EPYC x86 processors - which will deliver a peak performance of 16 petaFlops, 800 terabytes of main memory and 30 petabytes of storage. The start of its operation is planned in two phases for October 2021 and February 2022.
DKRZ's new exabyte data archive
In September 2021, a new Hierarchical Data Management (HSM) system designed by Cristie Data will start its operation for the extended magnetic tape archive at DKRZ. The new HSM relies on StrongLink storage management from StrongBox Data Solutions, as well as servers and "OceanStor" storage from Huawei. In the future, data volumes of more than one exabyte (1,000 petabytes) can be stored and managed.
ESiWACE: Storm-Resolving Climate and Weather Simulations
ESiWACE, the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, enables global storm- and eddy resolving weather and climate simulations on the upcoming (pre-)exascale supercomputers. The project is funded by the EU and coordinated by DKRZ.
Visualization of high-resolution climate simulations using advanced ray tracing
In collaboration with DKRZ, INTEL will demonstrate with "Planet Earth's Climate" (button below the videoplayer) how to visualize high-resolution climate simulations using INTEL OSPRay with Paraview. 3D ocean and atmospheric data from a globally coupled ICON climate model is displayed using the Spielhaus projection, that puts the oceans in the center, and is rendered using pathtracing and explains how the atmosphere and oceans are connected.
Interactive visualization of IPCC simulations
With our new web-based visualization platform, possible future climate changes can be explored interactively and visually in the web browser. On a rotatable and zoomable virtual globe, the temporal course of simulated changes in temperature and precipitation for different scenarios can be visualized there.