In the mini-symposium “Towards Weather and Climate Digital Twins at the Example of the ICON and IFS-FESOM Models” Wilton Loch presented his work within the NatESM project: “Implementing GPU Support for Unstructured Ocean Model FESOM2 and Coupled IFS/FESOM Model”. Claudia Frauen gave an overview presentation on the ongoing work in the WarmWorld Faster project and the general developments around the ICON model: “ICON on the Way to Exascale – Current Status and Steps towards Scalable Development”. The mini-symposium "Implementation and verification of hybrid ESM-ML models" co-organized by Tobias Weigel, Caroline Arnold (DKRZ) and Sarat Sreepathi (ORNL) highlighted the improving library support for hybrid model development and the pressing needs for better verification metrics and scenarios.
Besides the scientific sessions the conference also presented ample opportunities to meet and exchange with colleagues e.g., from the partner projects EXCLAIM and DestinE. The next PASC24 will takes place in Zürich.
Further information, interviews and conference blog of PASC 2023: https://pasc23.pasc-conference.org/