
For the DKRZ, Dr. Joachim Biercamp and Dr. Fanny Adloff are members of the organization committee. Joachim Biercamp opens the workshop and is chair of the first session “European and International Landscape”. Here, high-level lectures are planned that will report on the latest climate climate modeling activities in Japan, the USA, China and India as well as on the associated development of exascale supercomputers in Europe and worldwide.

A session on computing power and accelerators will be held in memory of the recently deceased STFC scientist Rupert Ford. Two further sessions are dedicated to data workflows and machine learning.

On May 23, 2024, Dr. Andrea Lammert from DKRZ will talk about the certification of archives in the session on “Data Workflows”.

Registration for the workshop is still possible until April 14, 2024: https://www.esiwace.eu/events/8th-enes-hpc-workshop

Full workshop program: https://www.esiwace.eu/events/8th-enes-hpc-workshop_22-24-may_lecce_-agenda.pdf