
Previously, funding for the new high performance computer was renegotiated every five years. With this agreement, the signatories have pledged to assure that DKRZ has a state-of-the-art supercomputer: In the future, 45 percent of the funding will be provided by the Helmholtz Association, 40 percent by the Max Planck Society and 15 percent by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

Based on this agreement, 45 million euro will be provided for the next climate supercomputer, which is planned to start operations in the year 2020.

Weblink to the press release  (only in German)

Finanzierungsabkommen DKRZ 24.10.2017 (1) Finanzierungsabkommen DKRZ 24.10.2017 (2) Finanzierungsabkommen DKRZ 24.10.2017 (5)

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