
The ACCA21, established 25 years ago, has the mission to conduct policy and strategy research and foster international cooperation and exchange in the area of sustainable development. The aim of the visit was therefore to provide insights into the institute's current research agenda, to exchange latest developments and future plans and to evaluate the potential for joint research projects.

The meeting started in the DRKZ, where the Chinese guests visited "Mistral" - the high-performance computer for earth system research. Afterwards the meeting continued with scientific presentationsat the MPI-M. An introduction to the ACCA21 and a presentation on the impact and adaptation to climate change in China were followed by presentations by MPI-M scientists on, among other things, ultra-high-resolution global simulations with ICON being modelled within the DYAMOND project and an ongoing research plan between MPI-M and the Chinese Academy of Meteorology. Within this cooperation scientist plan to port ICON to the Chinese TaihuLight supercomputer for performing global storm-resolving simulations on this machine.


Participants of the visit of the Administration Center for China's Agenda 21 at MPI-M and DKRZ (Photo: MPI-M, U. Kirchner).

Further information about ACCA21

News about the visit on the website of MPI-M: here