From October, 9-13, 2023, more than 90 international experts from national meteorological centers, the academic field of weather and climate research, and industry gathered in Bologna to share the latest developments and results at the 20th ECMWF Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology. Organized by the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), this year's workshop was themed "Diversifying HPC". DKRZ participated in the event with two talks and a poster. Under the title "ICON on its Way to Exascale - Status and Next Steps" dr. Claudia Frauen reported on October, 10th, about current results in the development of the ICON model. Among other things, the code is being made fit for simulations on the km scale and on different HPC architectures as part of the WarmWorld project. On October, 11th, Dr. Jan Frederik Engels presented on "Heterogeneous HPC to the rescue? Ways to improve the energy efficiency of climate simulations today and tomorrow". He presented results and findings around the energy efficiency of climate simulations with ICON, which were obtained at DKRZ in the framework of the EE-HPC and EECliPs projects. The goal: to optimize climate simulations with respect to their power consumption without influencing the runtime too much. Furthermore, Dr. Joachim Biercamp and colleagues from the ESiWACE3 project used the poster session to present their project. Here, a main focus was put on the services of ESiWACE for the model developers; furthermore, the HPCW benchmark was presented.