
Climate research is a major focus of the University of Hamburg and is funded within the excellence cluster CLICCS (Climate, Climatic Change, and Society). During his visit, Maas emphasized that the expertise of the scientists is essential to convince the international political arena of the existence of climate change. Climate change is one of the key issues that Germany wants to take forward in the UN Security Council, Maas said in his first speech in front of the UN body at the beginning of the year.

In Hamburg, Maas gathered information about the current state of research. High-level experts such as CLICCS chair Prof. Detlef Stammer (director of the Center for Earth System Research Sustainability (CEN) of the University of Hamburg and head of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP)) and CLICCS co-chair Prof. Jochem Marotzke (director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and one of twelve leading authors of the World Climate Report) participated in the discussion as well as three young PhD students of the CLICCS graduate school.


Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas visited the excellence cluster for climate research at the University of Hamburg (Photo: UHH/Ohme). In front of the German Climate Computig Center (DKRZ), from left to right: CLICCS chair Prof. Dr. Detlef Stammer, Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar, President of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies, CLICCS co-chair Prof. Dr. Jochem Marotzke, Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office Niels Annen, PhD student Anusha Sunkisala, Director of the German Climate Computung Center (DKRZ)  Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig, PhD student Gibran Romero Mujalli  and PhD student  Maike Scheffold.

Afterwards, Prof. Thomas Ludwig (director at DKRZ) took Maas on a guided tour to the high performance supercomputing system Mistral at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). Since 2015, climate scientists have been running high-resolution climate simulations on it and thus reduced the uncertainties in climate projections.


Prof. Thomas Ludwig and Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in front of the high performance computing system Mistral (Photo: UHH/Ohme).

In the afternoon, Maas met the foreign ministers of the Baltic States in the town hall and discussed issues of European and security policy with them.


Background of the cluster of excellence "Climate, Climate Change, and Society" (CLICCS):
CLICCS is one of four excellence clusters at the University of Hamburg. Together with the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, the German Climate Computing Center and other partners, around 200 scientists are researching the scientific questions of climate change as well as interactions with societies that react to the changes and thus influence the climate. eeinflussen.
Further information about CLICCS: here