Atmosphere wake effects from wind farms
The increasing expansion of offshore wind farms is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the impact they have on the atmosphere must also be investigated. The visualization here illustrates the impact of offshore wind farms in the North Sea on the atmosphere.
Storm "Christian"
In late October 2013, the strong winter storm “Christian” moved quickly across northern Europe, causing massive damages particularly in coastal areas. A climatological assessment of the storm and of a possible relation between its intensity and climate change was carried out with the regional model COSMO-CLM by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG).
Particulate matter from ship emissions
The transport and further chemical processes of pollutants in the atmosphere can be simulated with chemistry transport models. At HZG, regional models are used to estimate the contribution of aerosols caused by ship emissions to the mean anthropogenic aerosol load.
Regional Climate Projections for Europe: EURO-CORDEX
The EURO-CORDEX and ReKliEs-De ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) simulations provide the basis for analyzing the regional climate changes in Europe. DKRZ and GERICS have jointly produced animated visualizations showing the projected key changes in temperature and precipitation for Europe during the 21. Century.