Climate Change
Using a high performance computer and a model of the climate system that simulates the most important processes and feedbacks, experiments with a "virtual earth" can be performed. What will our future look like, if humans don't reduce emitting the greenhouse gases soon?
Simulations for CMIP6 / IPCC AR6 (2019)
Within the frame of the international climate model comparison project CMIP6 and with respect to the 6th climate assessment report of the United Nations (IPCC AR6), extensive climate simulations have been carried out with the two Earth system models MPI-ESM HR and MPI-ESM LR and the climate model AWI-CM on DKRZ's supercomputer Mistral.
Regional Climate Projection for Europe: EURO CORDEX
Within the framework of the EURO-CORDEX initiative DKRZ and GERICS have jointly produced animated visualizations showing the projected key changes in temperature and precipitation for Europe during the 21st century.
The July 2019 heat wave in a 4°C warmer world
The visualization shows the AWI global storyline simulations: The three subimages show the same simulated weather sequence - for the pre-industrial climate, for today's climate, and in a 4 degree warmer world. Winds at the 250hPa level (about 10 km altitude, white stripes), daily maximum surface temperature (color scale and contours), and sea ice concentration (white shading) in and around Europe. (on YouTube)
CMIP5 / IPCC AR5 climate scenarios
New extensive simulations were carried out by MPI-M and DKRZ with respect to the CMIP5 (IPCC AR5) database. Here, in the section "consortia simulations", you will find numerous visualizations of the experiments using the Earth System Model MPI-ESM.
Temperature Change
Development of the mean temperature change for IPCC scenario A1B based on the mean of all simulations for CMIP3 / IPCC AR4 carried out around the world.
IPCC AR4 (2007) Simulations
Global scenario simulations with the Hamburg climate model ECHAM5/MPI-OM for the German contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4).