Earth System
Besides the atmosphere and ocean, there are also other compartments of the earth system that need to be taken into account in order to capture all possible interactions that influence the climate on different time scales. Examples include polar ice sheets and biogeochemical processes in the ocean and land biosphere.
Ice sheets and climate change
Experiments with an Earth system model were carried out at MPI-M in order to examine the effects of global change on ice sheets and ocean circulation.
Marine phytoplankton
High-resolution simulations of marine biogeochemical processes on a global scale were carried out with the STORM model MPIOM-TP6M/HAMOCC.
Seasonal variations of atmospheric CO2 concentration under climate change
To understand how the climate change induced by different CO2 emission scenarios affects carbon-climate feedbacks and the resulting changes in the CO2 concentrations, scientists of the MPI for Meteorology extended their CMIP6 experiments by emission driven simulations.