The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) coordinates climate model simulations worldwide under the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). CMIP's goal is to better understand and predict past, present, and future climate change in a multi-model context. In order to compare model results, CMIP is developing standards for simulations, data formats, and evaluation algorithms, among other things. This will give climate researchers the ability to directly share, compare, and evaluate their findings with each other. The data products of the sixth phase of CMIP (CMIP6, Eyring et al. 2016, GMD, 9, 1937-1958, 2016, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1937-2016) thus represent, in addition to observational data, an important source of robust and reliable climate information in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report. The scenario subproject of CMIP6, ScenarioMIP, involved a total of about 27 institutions worldwide with 32 to 38 (depending on the scenario) different models or model configurations (Tebaldi et al. 2021, Earth Syst. Dynam., 12, 253-293, 2021, doi:10.5194/esd-12-253-2021). The calculations for the German contributions to this were performed partly by DKRZ and mostly on DKRZ's high-performance computer Mistral.

CMIP 6 activities at DKRZ

Overview: Various institutes have collaborated in performing the basic experiments and scenario simulations for the German contribution to CMIP6. Read more ...

The Models

The models: Here we provide an overview of the different models and model configurations used for the German contribution to the CMIP6 future scenarios (ScenarioMIP). Read more ...

The SSP Scenarios

The SSP scenarios: A new set of climate scenarios, the so-called SSP scenarios (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways), has been developed in view of the 6th world climate assessment report. The new SSP scenarios have been improved in a variety of ways compared to the previously used RCP scenarios. Read more ...


With the help of many visualizations, possible future developments of important climate parameters in the simulations of the different scenarios are presented here based on the results of MPI-ESM, AWI-CM as well as the CMIP6 ensemble mean.

CMIP Data Access

There are several options to access the CMIP data pool at DKRZ. More information can be found here at the DKRZ User Portal.