Fabian Wachsmann

Fabian Wachsmann


Data Management


Data standardization, quality assurance, curation, CMIP




Bundesstraße 45a, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Fabian has been working in the data infrastructure group of the data management department of DKRZ since 2016. He was involved in the creation of the German contribution to the phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). His services cover all aspects of the data workflow around the CMIP data pool, including support for standardization, quality assurance, data transfer and ingestion, data curation and analysis support. Another of his tasks is the integration of community approaches, e.g. solutions for Earth System Model  data (ESM) provisioning in the cloud.

He can be your contact person for the follwing tools (based on his acquired expertise from development and application):

  • Data standardization:
    • cmor, the tool for creating CMIP-like data standards. Fabian integrated the widely accepted data standard creation library into CMIP6 data preparation of German ESMs.
  • Data quality assurance:
    • PrePARE, the data standard checker for CMIP-like projects. PrePARE is used to review data for ESGF and the Copernicus Climate Data Store
    • CF Checker, the general checker for the Climate and Forcecast Convention(CF): Fabian supports the data quality assurance of different projects, e.g. by setting up the HPC application of the Atmodat data checker.
  • Data transfer and cloud:
    • Globus: Fabian runs on-demand high-performance data syncronization between different ESGF nodes via globus clis and the gridftp protocol
    • swift, tzis, tools for DKRZ's institutional cloud storage: In colaboration with the data infrastrucutre team, an xarray-based python tool for hosting ESM data in the cloud is being developed.
  • Data curation:
    • intake, the cataloging of data bases: He updates the CMIP data pool intake-esm catalogs and provides tutorials
  • Data analysis:
    • cdo, the climate data operators: Developed operators for data standardization and climate indices processing
    • xarray, the python analysis tool: Provided tutorials and use cases for analysis support and a python workshop