For calls from outside Germany, please dial with prefix "+49 40". Example: +49 40 460094 999.
Responsibility | Phone extension | Room | |||
Cornelia Schoska | Department head | 460094-320 | 116 | c2Nob3NrYUBka3J6LmRl | |
Derya Cebir | Administrative office | 460094-208 | 111 | Y2ViaXJAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Dörte Gebhardt | Accounting | 460094-198 | 112 | Z2ViaGFyZHRAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Ina Grasteit | PA of department head | 460094-125 | 115 | Z3Jhc3RlaXRAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Sabine Kleinfeldt | travel expense processing/human resources | 460094-134 | 117 | a2xlaW5mZWxkdEBka3J6LmRl | |
Melanie Krauß | Purchasing | 460094-225 | 115 | a3JhdXNzQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Christiane Melzer | Project administration | 460094-161 | 114 | bWVsemVyQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Susanne Müller | Administrative office Fuhlentwiete | 460094-218 | FT 406 | c3VzYW5uZS5tdWVsbGVyQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Heidi Müntefering | Administrative office substitute | 460094-208 | 111 | bXVlbnRlZmVyaW5nQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Christina Ojelabi | human resources | 460094-315 | 113.1 | b2plbGFiaUBka3J6LmRl | |
Torben Rauls | Janitor | 460094-0 | -- | Z3pAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Ingo Richert | Janitor substitute | 460094-0 | -- | Z3pAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Robert Sander | Janitor substitute | 460094-0 | -- | Z3pAZGtyei5kZQ== | |
Nadine Schulz | Administrative office | 460094-191 | 111 | c2NodWx6QGRrcnouZGU= | |
Marlis Schwanzer | human resources | 460094-228 | 117 | c2Nod2FuemVyQGRrcnouZGU= | |
Christoph Theis | Accounting | 460094-105 | 114 | dGhlaXNAZGtyei5kZQ== |