
Parallel to the conference, the SC'17 exhibition takes place, where almost 360 exhibitors present themselves. At its stand (No. 262), the DKRZ provides information about its infrastructure and its services for model-based climate simulations. A monitor displays latest visualizations, including wind speeds, Arctic sea ice cover, sea level changes and currents, or garbage accumulations in the ocean. An interactive touch-screen can be used to explore high-resolution global weather simulations calculated by climate researchers using the ICON NWP model and a resolution of 2.5 km (84 million cells per level). The simulation was carried out within the scope of the European Centre of Excellence ESiWACE that is coordinated by DKRZ. The model optimization with respect to extremely high scalability was conducted as part of the project HD(CP)².


During the opening session of the SC traditionally the now fiftieth edition of the Top500 list of supercomputers was published, with DKRZ supercomputer Mistral on rank 42.

In addition to the TOP500 list, Julian Kunkel as the chair of the Birds-of-Feather session "The Virtual Institute of I / O and the IO-500" introduces the so-called IO500 list on November 15th, representing the five hundred most powerful HPC systems based on the performance of the storage systems. Mistral is ranked as the fifth biggest system.

Co-jointly with Philip Carns, Argonne National Laboratory, Julian Kunkel lead a further Birds-of-Feather-Session "Analyzing Parallel I/O".

The team of the DKRZ research group "Scientific Computing" contributes to SC’17 poster exhibition.