Projekt Nr. Einrichtung Titel Leiter
48 B-LEI-IAP VERNAER - Variability and extremes of poleward breaking Rossby waves over the North Atlantic-European region Dieter H.W. Peters
60 M-MPG-MPI-BGC LES-DIR Christian Reick
66 M-MPG-MPI-M AES-MUA Hauke Schmidt
80 B-HGF-DLR-PA Klimastudien des DLR-Instituts für Physik der Atmosphäre Robert Sausen
106 B-UNI-K-GM ENSEMBLES Uwe Ulbrich
124 B-UNI-TC-UM Quantification of Uncertainties in Regional Climate Simulations Klaus Keuler
256 M-MPG-MPI-M OES-Statistics Jin-Song von Storch
289 M-MPG-MPI-M Super volcano Claudia Timmreck
371 B-MPG-MPI-M Initialisierung eines globalen Klimamodells aus ozeanischen Reanalysen Jochem Marotzke
374 B-UNI-TC-UM Evaluierung neuer Modellversionen des CLM Klaus Keuler
380 B-MPG-MPI-M Anthropogene Aenderungen im Nordatlantik Ernst Maier-Reimer
447 B-UNI-HH-OZ DAROTA Detlef Stammer
450 B-UNI-HH-OZ Bestimmung von Klima-Schlüsselprozessen der nordatlantischen Zirkulation durch Datensynthesen Detlef Stammer
454 K-MPG-MPI-M STORM: High-resolution community climate change simulations Jin-Song von Storch
460 B-MPG-MPI-M HOBIMED Uwe Mikolajewicz
464 B-HGF-GEOMAR Mechanisms and predictability of North Atlantic decadal climate variability Noel Keenlyside
474 B-UNI-TR-UM Laptev-See Günther Heinemann
499 B-HGF-GFZ GFZ - Erdsystem-Modellierung Maik Thomas
506 B-UNI-TR-UM Klima RLP Günther Heinemann
507 B-UNI-MZ-PA Transport Modellierung in verschiedenen Klimaepochen (TraMoK) Astrid Kerkweg
510 B Wechselwirkung von Ozean Gezeiten und Zirkulation Malte Mueller
519 B-HGF-GFZ NATHAN - Quantification of Natural Climate Variability in the Atmosphere-Hydrosphere System with Data Constrained Simulations Katja Matthes
521 B-DKRZ ScalES - Scalable Earth-System-Models for high productivity climate simulations Joachim Biercamp
527 B-MPG-MPI-M CLARIS LPB A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies in La Plata Basin Armelle Reca Remedio
531 B-MPG-MPI-C Zyklieren organischer Stoffe im Ozean und Erdsystem Gerhard Lammel
545 B-MPG-MPI-M ACQWA simulations for the Alps using REMO Claas Teichmann
548 B-MPG-MPI-M INMEDIATO Uwe Mikolajewicz
549 B-HGF-GEOMAR Modellierung von Klimaeffekten von mittel und suedamerikansichen Vulkanen Kirstin Krueger
550 B-MPG-MPI-M IMPLICC Hauke Schmidt
554 B-MPG-MPI-M Das Wasserbudget der Arktis und seine Veränderlichkeit Uwe Mikolajewicz
555 K-MPG-MPI-M CMIP5 Klimasimulationen und deren Regionalisierung Stefanie Legutke
555 K-MPG-MPI-M CMIP5 Klimasimulationen und deren Regionalisierung (CORDEX) Stefanie Legutke
564 B-MPG-MPI-M Epoca: European Project on Ocean Acidification Ernst Maier-Reimer
570 B-UNI-FB-MET Climate modelling for Iran with ECHAM/REMO and downscaling of meteorological surface parameters Eberhard Reimer
573 B-MPG-MPI-M Direct numerical simulation of climate relevant cloud mixing processes Juan-Pedro Mellado
575 B-MPG-MPI-M THOR TP4 Jin-Song von Storch
577 B-MPG-MPI-M Produktionskinetik von organischen Halogenen Ernst Maier-Reimer
579 B-MPG-MPI-M Abschätzung von Modellunsicherheiten in Ozeananalysen und vorhersagen: Das grönländische Eisschild Christian Rodehacke
580 B-HGF-GEOMAR Wirbelauflösende Modellierung des Weltozeans Claus Böning
582 B-HGF-GEOMAR Predicting decadal climate variations Mojib Latif
599 B-UNI-HH-OZ Development of a coupled ocean-atmosphere data assimilation system Detlef Stammer
604 B-MPG-MPI-M Climate for Culture - Ocean Uwe Mikolajewicz
611 B-MPG-MPI-M COMBINE - ice sheet Uwe Mikolajewicz
617 B-HGF-DLR-PA Klima-Chemie-Wechselwirkungen Robert Sausen
618 B-HGF-HZG-CSC HighNoon Daniela Jacob
620 B-HGF-DLR-PA Multiskalen-Simulationen mit EULAG Andreas Doernbrack
628 B-MPG-MPI-M SHARP: Stratospheric Change and its Role for Climate Prediction Marco Giorgetta
645 B-UNI-BN-MET Extreme events in the past and future - A comparative assessment for the Hai He river and the Poyang lake basins Christian Ohlwein
664 B-UNI-MZ-PA Dynamik orographischer Wolkenbildung im Hochgebirge Volkmar Wirth
667 B-UNI-MZ-PA Hind-cast Berechnung mit ECHAM5/MESSy Astrid Kerkweg
670 B-MPG-MPI-M Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate Joachim Segschneider
671 B-MPG-MPI-M EUCLIPSE Bjorn Stevens
675 B-MPG-MPI-M Simulating Heinrich Events in a Complex Climate Model Uwe Mikolajewicz
676 B-MPG-MPI-M Gekoppelte Regionalmodelle für die Nordsee Uwe Mikolajewicz
677 B-UNI-MZ-PA Evaluierung der Atmosphärenchemie in MECO(n) Astrid Kerkweg
682 B-MPG-MPI-M Large-eddy simulations of cloud and convective processes Cathy Hohenegger
688 B-UNI-MZ-PA Zirren in der Tropopausenregion Peter Spichtinger
695 B-MPG-MPI-M IMPLICC Virtuelle Arbeitsumgebung Hauke Schmidt
702 B Möglicher Einfluss von Staub und anderen Aerosolen auf tropische Wirbelstürme im heutigen und zukünftigen Klima Ulrike Lohmann
704 B-UNI-HH-OZ Study of key oceanic processes with an eddy-resolving numerical simulation of the Arctic-Atlantic Ocean Detlef Stammer
705 B-HGF-HZG-CSC Climate Change Scenarios for thr River Congo Basin Daniela Jacob
706 B-HGF-HZG-CSC The future Okavango: Scientific support for sustainable land and resource management in the Okavango basin Daniela Jacob
707 B-BUN-GW REMO_BFG_2010_Hadley Enno Nilson
722 B-UNI-TC-UM High Order Schemes for the COSMO model Andreas Will
726 B-DKRZ WASCAL - Regionale Klimasimulationen Westafrika Ilse Hamann
730 M-MPG-MPI-M AES-KDY Thorsten Mauritsen
731 M-MPG-MPI-M AES_HERZ Cathy Hohenegger
739 B-UNI-GO-BK BioEnergy regions STrengthening (BEST), ökologische Landschaftsfunktionen 1 (öL 1) Merja Schlueter
749 B-HGF-AWI-B FIGO-2, Fingerprints of ice-melting in geodetic GRACE and ocean models Sandra-Esther Brunnabend
750 B-MPG-MPI-M Regional Decadal Climate Prediction for Europe Daniela Jacob
752 B-UNI-FB-MET Monsoon variability and its physical mechanisms under different paleo- and future climate conditions Stefan Polanski
753 B-UNI-FB-MET Modeling Central Asia Climate Dynamics Bijan Fallah
754 B-UNI-HH-MET CLASH WP4: Modelling the Hydrological Cycle over the Tibetan Plateau for Late Holocene, present and future time slices Klaus Fraedrich
755 B-UNI-MZ-PA Feedback of a limited-area model to the global scale Astrid Kerkweg
759 B-UNI-HH-GG Development and implementation of a hierarchical model chain for modelling regional climate variability and climate change over southern Amazonia Juergen Boehner
760 B-MPG-MPI-M EMBRACE Stefan Hagemann
761 B-UNI-HH-INF GeOGEM - Simulations to the tides of ancient oceans and the evolution of the Earth-Moon system Petra Nerge
762 B-MPG-MPI-M Natural versus anthropogeniccontrols of past monsoon variability in Central Asia recorded in marine archives (CARIMA) Joachim Segschneider
763 B-BUN-DWD MiKlip/VECAP: VErification, Calibration and Assessment of Predictability of medium-range climate predictions using satellite data Marc Schröder
764 B-MPG-MPI-M Mechanisms of inter- to multidecadal variability and their implications for climate predictions (MultiCliP) Johann Jungclaus
767 B-HGF-AWI-B Decadal variability in a new high resolution Finite-Element Sea-Ice ocean model Gerrit Lohmann
769 B-MPG-MPI-M Alert for LARge volcanic eruptions in Medium term climate prediction (ALARM) Claudia Timmreck
771 B-HGF-AWI-P Decadal climate predictions using the TORUS model system with regional refinement of the Arctic (TORUS-AWI) Dörthe Handorf
772 B-UNI-F-AU Miklip sub-projects DecReg and DEPARTURE Bodo Ahrens
774 B-UNI-KA-KIT DEPARTURE-WRF (Decadal Prediction of African Rainfall and Atlantic Hurricane Activity) Harald Kunstmann
775 B-MPG-MPI-M Prediction of Multi-year Droughts (DroughtClip) Wolfgang Mueller
776 B-UNI-KA-KIT Decadal Prediction of African Rainfall and Atlantic Hurricane Activity (DEPARTURE) Hans-Jürgen Panitz
777 B-UNI-L-MET Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants (ECLIPSE) Johannes Quaas
778 B-UNI-FB-MET Integriertes Daten- und Evaluierungssystem zur mittelfristigen Klimaprognose (Integrated data and evaluation system for decadal scale prediction, Integration) Ingo Kirchner
781 B-HGF-DLR-PA REACT4C Sigrun Matthes
782 B-HGF-DLR-PA SHARP Martin Dameris
783 B-HGF-DLR-PA AEROTROP-Impact of aircraft emissions on the heterogeneous chemistry of the tropopause region Klaus Gottschaldt
785 B-UNI-K-GM MiKlip Prodef - Probabilistic decadal forecast for Europe Joaquim Pinto
790 B-HGF-HZG-CSC ECLISE Daniela Jacob
792 B-HGF-HZG-CSC IMPACT2C Daniela Jacob
793 B-HGF-HZG-CSC PEGASOS Susanne Pfeifer
794 B-UNI-HH-OZ Bedeutung natürlicher und anthropogen erzeugter Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation für die Kohlenstoffaufnahme Lars Czeschel
796 B-HGF-AWI-B Sea Level Contribution from Antarctica Ralph Timmermann
797 B-HGF-DLR-PT Thermosphere and Ionosphere Extension of an Earth-System Model Thomas Reddmann
798 B-MPG-MPI-M Coupled ocean - atmosphere feedbacks in Arctic and northern North Atlantic Dimitry Sein
799 B-UNI-FB-MET Globalsimulationen mit 2-Wege Nesting Ingo Kirchner
800 B-UNI-FB-MET Untersuchungen zur mittelfristigen Vorhersage von Extremereinissen Ingo Kirchner
801 B-UNI-HH-OZ Atmospheric and Oceanic Data Assimilation Plus ENsembles Generation (AODA-PENG) Johanna Baehr
802 B-UNI-TC-UM COSMO-CLM simulations with 2-way nesting Andreas Will
803 B-UNI-Tü-GW Bridging Timescales of Tibetan Plateau Environmental Change with ECHAM Simulations Todd Ehlers
804 B-HGF-GEOMAR Mid-latitude ocean-atmosphere interaction Richard Greatbatch
805 B-MPG-MPI-M COMBINE New Components Marco Giorgetta
807 B-MPG-MPI-M A flexible forecast system for decadal climate predictions (FLEXFORDEC) Jochem Marotzke
818 B-MPG-MPI-M Untersuchung und Bewertung von Methoden zum Geo-Engineering, die die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre beeinflussen (Geo-Ozon) Ulrike Niemeier
819 B-BUN-DWD PAK-Sturm2 Anette Ganske
820 B-LEI-PIK ISI-MIP Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project Jacob Schewe
839 B-UNI-L-MET Quantifying Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Effects by Regime (QUAERERE) Johannes Quaas
850 B-LEI-IAP Past and future changes of the three-dimensional Brewer-Dobson circulation Axel Gabriel
853 B-HGF-DLR-PA Earth System Chemistry Integrated Modelling (ESCIMo) Patrick Joeckel
854 B-HGF-DLR-PA Erdsystemmodellevaluierung (DLR-Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre) Veronika Eyring
860 B-HGF-HZG-IFK Global climate simulations since Roman times with the MPI Earth System Model-Paleo Sebastian Wagner
863 B-MPG-MPI-M Past4Future: Climate change - Learning from the past climate Victor Brovkin
869 B-MPG-MPI-C Swift integration of the gas chemical ODE system for chemistry-climate simulations Domenico Taraborrelli
872 B-UNI-BN-MET High-resolution regional reanalysis for the European CORDEX domain Christian Ohlwein